Monday, April 27, 2009

An Experiment of Sorts

I wouldn't say I am greedy. Spoiled, maybe, which isn't entirely my fault.

I am very fortunate. I never went without when I was younger. My family made sure I had the best of everything. If I wanted something I usually got it. I think that is how my problem started.

I have been working since I was 16. I have always had a job so I could afford to buy clothes. Clothes are my weakness. Beautiful, beautiful clothes. I enjoyed having my own money so much that I developed a bit of a spending problem.

Some people may call me a shopaholic but I think that sugar coats the issue. I am going to tell you the truth. I have compulsive spending disease. It has gotten so bad that I can drop $50 at the dollar store on junk and not think twice about it. It's money. You can't take it with you.

As you may have already guessed, I have zero savings and mild debt. I want to fix both of these problems. But the compulsive spending disease keeps getting in my way.

The internet is one of my biggest hobbies. This so called hobbie tends to feed my disease. I see something online and I want. There are so many beautiful things out there. I have tried to stop looking but I just can't. I need to know what is out there.

Then I had an idea. I have always loved reading blogs but never felt that I had enough to talk about. Then it dawned on me that I could use a blog to help cure me. How am I going to do that?

Every time I see something that I want I will post it on this blog to share with others. At the same time, I will put the amount of the item that I want to own but refuse to buy into savings or towards my debt.

Voila. An experiment has been born. We will see how long this will last. I really hope it works. I know I can't stop spending all together. I need essentials like food and gas. However, I am determine to save money because my big want is my very own house. Wish me luck :)

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